Shinju Queens

Shinju Queen Entrants

For over 30 years local sporting bodies, not for profits including PCYC, Football Clubs, the Netball Association, Lions and many more, would nominate a representative to raise money for their organisation and for the chance to wear the Shinju Crown.

Throughout the year the entrants worked hard raising money by holding Quiz nights, cake stalls, Fancy Dress events and other fun activities. The winners were announced at the Opening Shinju Ball, where the Shinju Queen was crowned and along with the Shinju Princess & Shinju Charity Queen, received wonderful travel & pearl prizes, donated by local businesses.

The first Shinju crown was Made by jeweller Robert Boyd, a delicate silver crown featuring eleven sets of Japanese cultured pearls, set against a blue velvet headband. (on display at the Broome Museum.

In 1993, Michael Tanner, owner of Monsoon Gallery Broome, created a new crown for the Shinju Matsuri’s Pearl Queen Quest, as the old crown was 23 years old and quite outdated.

Michael donated the Silver, design and labour and asked each of the below Pearling Companies to donate one good quality cultured pearl for it.

Broome Pearls, Clipper Pearls, Captain & Pearl Hamaguchi, Pearl Emporium, and Maxima Pearling.   This can be viewed at Cygnet Bay Pearls in Chinatown.

Table here.

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